A Deeper Dive
Here are three “Angus At Work” episodes highlighting products and services that go beyond conveniences.
October 18, 2024
The number of decisions cattlemen face daily is not for the faint of heart. With the future success of the farm contingent upon financial awareness, as well as a quality product, producers could find themselves conflicted when it comes to investing in equipment or services that, while unnecessary, stand to make life much more enjoyable.
Our theme for this edition of the Angus Beef Bulletin focuses on the most important investments to improve daily living for you and your livestock. Here are a handful of Angus At Work episodes that cover topics worth considering back at home!

It would be nice to know you’re making the right decisions, but there’s always risk. Usually, only hindsight tells us whether it was the right decision. However, in making genetic selection decisions, there are tools from the American Angus Association that are designed to help.
The Association’s Performance Programs Department helps take large datasets and turn them into usable information to help move your operation forward.
Our team spoke with Esther Tarpoff, director of Performance Programs, about how the Performance Programs Department is relevant to commercial cattlemen, how phenotypic data adds accuracy to genetic selection tools, how recordkeeping helps save you money, how to find high-performing maternal genetics and which questions you should ask your seedstock supplier.
“We want to [select for the next generation] with as much accuracy as what we can, and also with as little risk as we can. Those two kind of go hand in hand,” says Tarpoff. “Having the most information that we can behind those selection tools is going to decrease the risk of making the wrong one.”

With the holidays and family gatherings on the horizon, the question begs to be asked: What’s the plan for the future of the family farm?
Our team sat down with guest Ron Hanson of the University of Nebraska regarding how to discuss succession planning with loved ones so that everyone with a stake in your family operation is on the same page moving forward. Listen now.
“A succession plan is what can happen today. You’re in charge. It’s your plan, your wishes, your intentions. You’re in control,” says Hanson. “An estate plan is what typically happens after you die. If you don’t have things in writing — things spelled out and things documented — somebody else is now in control, and the final results may not be exactly what you wanted.”

Proper nutrition to support the development and continued health of breeding females can typically be found at the top of every producer’s list of concerns. But what if adding a supplement to your existing ration could potentially boost fertility and performance?
Our team sat down with Elanco’s Frank White at CattleCon 2024 to discuss Rumensin® and its applications, the potential effect of ionophores on heifer maturity and cyclicity, and how proper nutrition affects the overall productivity of your cow herd. Listen now.
“The combination of an increase in average daily gain and a decrease in intake is really big,” says White. “They’re increasing in gain, and they’re eating less to do it. That throws feed efficiency really high.”
Listen in for answers straight from the experts
The Angus At Work podcast provides news and information on health, nutrition, genetics, marketing and management. Get your information straight from the source as we talk to technical experts, American Angus Association staff and fellow cattlemen about topics pertinent to your bottom line.
Recent episodes include:
- The Influential 10% With Paul Dykstra
- Building a Profitable Relationship With Your Veterinarian featuring Randall Spare
- Interest Rate Trends With Don Close
- Maximizing Labor with SenseHub® Feedlot featuring Jason Nickell
- Video Sale and Market Breakdown With Troy Marshall
- Building a Better Cow With David Lalman
- Selecting Replacements via GeneMax Advantage™ With Decker and Courter®
Topics: Management , Nutrition , Record Keeping , Selection , Succession planning
Publication: Angus Beef Bulletin
Issue: October 2024