Powered by Angus
Not all Angus bulls are REGISTERED Angus bulls.
Don't gamble on unproven genetics. There are a lot of Angus bulls on the market, but not all are backed by the power of 84 million datapoints and a registration paper. Invest wisely in a registered Angus bull.
look for the logo
When you see the Powered by Angus logo, you know the cattle are REGISTERED Angus. The mark gives you confidence in the Power behind the registration paper.

backed by data. backed by facts.
The Power of Data
The American Angus Association's genetic evaluation is based on the most extensive single breed database in the world. With more than 84 million datapoints, the EPDs and Indexes on a REGISTERED Angus allow you to make your buying and breeding decisions with unmatched confidence.
The Power of Pedigree
The American Angus Association's registry keeps documented pedigrees on all REGISTERED Angus. Being confident in the ancestry and genetic composition of your herd bull enables the most informed buying decisions possible.
The Power of Programs
Only calves out of REGISTERED Angus bulls are eligible for programs like AngusLink which paid an average premium of $21.61/cwt in FY2023.
Stories of Success

Angus Feeder Cattle Capture Extra Bids on Sale Block
AngusLink cattle claim high bids on the sale block at Oklahoma National Stockyards.

The Price is Right
Colorado farmers know the value of their cattle start to finish.
Power your marketing
American Angus Association® members can use the widely recognized Powered by Angus logo to market their sale offerings.

How to use the logo
The Powered by Angus logo can be used on the cover of a sale catalog or in a sale advertisement, if every lot in the sale is backed by the power of a registration paper with the American Angus Association®.
The Powered by Angus logo can be used to advertise a section of a sale catalog that includes all registered Angus cattle.
The Powered by Angus logo can be used on individual lots in a sale catalog when the animal is registered Angus.