livestock Shows
Cattle shows are a long-held tradition for many Angus families. Breeders of all ages travel to attend shows, evaluate entries and celebrate the heritage of raising cattle.
Show Calendar
Western National Angus Futurity and Regional Jr Angus Show
Join us for the 72nd Western National Angus Futurity and 51st Western Regional Junior Angus Show in Reno, Nevada on March 25-30, 2025.
Atlantic National
Join us for the Atlantic National Regional Preview Junior Angus Show and ROV Super Point Angus Show May 21-25, 2025, in Timonium, Maryland.
Judge selection process
The American Angus Association’s Events and Junior Activities Department maintains a list of individuals who have experience in evaluating livestock. To be placed on this list, a nomination form must be completed and sent to the Events and Junior Activities Department to be reviewed by the Activities Committee.