Building a better breed through data.
Angus Herd Improvement Records®

Better known as AHIR®
All data submitted by breeders to the Association is done so through AHIR. The program provides Angus breeders with the opportunity to capitalize on data-driven progress.
The data collected through AHIR is used to support the National Cattle Evaluation – producing insights on individual animals, herds and the breed.
you're working hard.
Your data should be too.
The data you are already collecting can be submitted through AHIR to benefit you, your customers and the breed.
Benefits of submitting data
- Improve EPD accuracy
- Access tailored reports
- Discover and track herd trends
- Contribute to novel traits
- Make informed management decisions
- Better communicate the value of your cattle
How does it work?
Data is collected by the breeder and submitted to AHIR®, ideally through whole herd reporting.
Data can be collected at all stages of life.
- Calf tag
- Sire
- Dam
- Date of birth
- Sex
- Single or twin
- Embryo transfer (ET) calf (IVF or conventional)
- Recipient Cow - if an ET calf
- Birth weight
- Calving ease score
- Dam teat and udder score
For the Calf
- Weight
- Docility Score
- Hip Height
- Scrotal Circumference
- Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP)
For the Dam
- Weight
- Height
- Body Condition Score
- Foot Scores
- Weight
- Docility Score
- Scrotal Circumference
- Hip Height
- Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP)
- Ultrasound Data
- Hair ShedScore
- Foot Scores
- Feed on Test Weight/Date
- Pelvic Measurements
Records should be kept based on the type of breeding being done: A.I., Pasture or Embryo Transfer.
- Body Condition Score
- Hip Height
- Weight
- Foot Scores
- Hair Shed Score
- Docility Score
The Association has developed a suite of tools and resources to help.
Management On-The-Go
With the free Angus Mobile App you can update your calving book and view your herd inventory from anywhere.
Download from the Apple storeAngus University
Our educational platform offers a variety of free tutorials, guides and webinars.
Explore Angus UniversityAAA Login
You can register and transfer animals, track and submit herd data and pull reports through your AAA Login.
Member login
When you enroll in Inventory Reporting and MaternalPlus®, you’ll get access to additional reports including Female Age Distribution, Genetic Trends and Production Performance.
Inventory reporting
Whole herd reporting through AHIR’s Inventory Reporting program can help you leverage your data and ensure your herd is on track to meet your goals.
EnrollEPDs explained
Collecting and submitting data on your herd improves the accuracy of your cattle’s EPDs. It is important to understand how the data is used in individual EPDs.
Learn more
AHIR is committed to continuing to expand the insights and tools offered to Angus breeders through the analysis of data. Current research being supported:
- Functional Longevity Research EPD
- Teat & Udder Research EPD
- Structured Sire Evaluation