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Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.



Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.

Data Makes Dollars & Sense


Individual cow records help commercial cattlemen

Reconciling the Paradox of Positive Profit and Negative Cash Flow


Use this example of accrual accounting to understand profit and loss.

Keeping Climate Solutions Voluntary with Ashley Bruner


If you've ever found yourself saying, “Stop blaming cows,” then this episode is for you! With all the climate discussion in the news and legislation, Kasey wanted to learn more about something touted as a way for farmers and ranchers to be an active part of the solution. She sat down with Ashley Bruner of Agoro Carbon Alliance to ask some questions about the carbon market.

Angus Stakes


Writing a sizable check to bring home the bull(s) that will affect your income for years to come can be a little daunting. Start sooner than later to take pressure off the decision with a little homework.

Gizmos & Gadgets


Get the scoop on a new metal RFID tag, a rumen bolus for livestock monitoring, a means to lower your utility bill and a system to predict cattle feed intake and make feeding predictions.

Ag Producers Should Do Year-end Income Tax Planning


Farmers and ranchers have until March 3, 2025, to file their 2024 income tax returns without penalty if they have not made estimates.

Planning, Self-evaluation are Key to Sire Selection


Select sires that complement a cow herd and contribute to the goals of the operation. NDSU Extension specialist offers tips for using the numbers and and other traits to consider.

What Did Higher-profit Cow-calf Producers Do to Be More Profitable?


High-profit operations do these things differently from low-profit operations.

Beef Cattle Budgets


Knowing operating costs helps with risk protection products and marketing opportunities.

Tagging Systems 1.0


Whether you are trying to communicate to your spouse which baby needs doctoring or trying to match pairs to move pastures, having a system to help identify cows and calves can be a great asset in managing your herd.

Tagging Techniques


Last year (2011), we posed a question to our Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA subscribers: What type of numbering system do you use to identify your calf crop?

Farm Financial Management: Getting Started


Implementing a good accounting system and developing beginning and end-of-year balance sheets is an important start.

A Deeper Dive


Featuring “Angus At Work” episodes worth a revisit. Topics include using performance decisions to make better decisions, using ionophores to increase herd efficiency and starting discussions on succession planning.

A Business Case for Using EPDs


Producer panel provides insight into how the industry can effectively put EPDs to use.

Industry Insights


Angus Media, CattleFax collaborate to conduct two industrywide surveys to provide unbiased look at feedlot and cow-calf segments, assess sentiment toward Angus genetics.

A Cattleman’s Balancing Act


Cattlemen discuss selecting traits for progress in their herds.

Adding Another Family Member to the Farm Payroll


Before a child comes back to the operation, make sure these boxes are checked.

Association Perspective for November 2023


Regional managers can help you access programs and services of the American Angus Association.

Tips for a Better Cow Herd


Improving fertility in cows involves leveraging genetic selection and advanced genomic tools to enhance reproductive performance, but genetic potential is only half the battle. Environment is the other half.

Gizmos & Gadgets


This edition features cattle reproductive remote monitoring technology, a compostable net wrap for bales, a diverse and high-tonnage forage seed mix and a well-known brand’s first midi excavator.

Cut Through Genetic Confusion with Kelli Retallick-Riley


Commercial cattlemen tell us they shoose Angus because of the breed’s marketability, but there’s more benefit to Angus than just premium prices. In this episode of “Angus At Work” we visit with Kelli Retallick-Riley about the value of the breed’s genetic database and the multitude of tools available to seedstock and commercial cattlemen alike.

Angus Advisor: Western Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Sitz on Carrying on the Legacy, ‘Chasing Balance’ in Cow Herd


The Angus Conversation season three launches with breeder interview.

Put Your Data to Work


Enroll in Inventory Reporting and have the opportunity to earn the MaternalPlus distinction.

Precautionary Measures


Initiating a positive veterinarian-client-patient relationship can allow producers to enhance herd health through effective, proactive vaccination and antibiotic administration.

Board Recap: Digging in on Fertility Research, Expanding CAB Production, Enhancing Member Services


Angus Board directors discuss research priorities, driving demand, member questions and more.

Deadline Approaching for January Inventory Reporting/MaternalPlus


Collecting and submitting whole herd records from culling information on females to recording each calf born takes commitment — the kind of commitment that yearns to progress an operation, drive the breed forward and create the best selection tools.

How do you know?


Angus members are dedicated to quality data collection. With an update alongside the Fall Sire Evaluation Report May 24, phenotypes in the genetic evaluation will be differentiated from those that are not.

Angus Advisor: Southern Great Plains


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

A New Frontier


Members have access to a new and improved website.

Angus Advisor Midwest Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor: Southern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

A Good Problem to Have


AGI implements updates to keep up with growing data store.

Phenotype-Genotype Show Grows Interest in National Junior Angus Show


Angus junior members show in national Phenotype-Genotype Show in Grand Island, Neb.

Donor Dam Requirements


The popularity of Angus cattle and known Angus genetics has never been higher.

Mature Cow Data: Are Your Females Represented?


The fall provides many opportunities for data collection, including recording mature weights and body condition scores.

Teat Size and Udder Suspension


Calving is the time to collect scores on dams’ udders.

Transferring Power


Customer service is one of the biggest drivers to ensure the future of your Angus operation for generations to come.

The Growth in Electronic Data Submission


Submitting records electronically has been available to members since before the turn of the century. Members are continuing to embrace the convenience. Are you?

Why No EPDs?


It’s hard to believe, but spring sale season is fast approaching — and it will be upon us before we know it.

Angus Advisor: Eastern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Spring Calving is Coming, Keep the Right Records


As spring calving season approaches, it’s important to have a plan set in place for quality recordkeeping.

To Please The Lord


How foot scores fit an Angus operation’s goals of serving the industry.

Angus Advisor: Midwest Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Technology in the Angus Breed


The electronic world we live in is something most of us would have never dreamed of, or at least me.

Contemporary Groups


It all starts at birth.

Operating Independently, Working Together


Holt, Brown join The Angus Conversation to talk partnership, inventory reporting and more.