Transferring Power

Customer service is one of the biggest drivers to ensure the future of your Angus operation for generations to come.

By Levi Landers, Director of Field & Member Services

September 6, 2024

There are several great examples of customer service opportunities in the marketplace but one of the easiest is transfer of registration certificate.

Not only is this a way to remain connected with your customer, but it is also a rule in the Breeder’s Reference Guide to transfer ownership of certificate.

Rule 400: Transfer Rules

Every change of ownership of record of an animal used for registered breeding purposes must be recorded with the Association by official transfer.

The transfer of certificate of registration is to be completed within 45 days of the date of sale. This is to be completed by the seller and must include all pertinent information required for transfer.

Information that is required for transfer of certificate is as follows: Buyer name and address; member code (if available); authorized personal signature (paper certificates); breeding information; date of sale; and full interest or partial ownership.

Unlocking opportunities

It is apparent we transfer breeding females and herd bulls to be used in a registered operation, but it is a great way for you to help your commercial buyers by transferring the certificate to unlock opportunities within the American Angus Association.

One of the biggest reasons to transfer a certificate for our commercial producers is for the marketing of feeder cattle for your customers through the AngusLinkSM program. Premiums are evident within the program. Average AngusLink premium per hundredweight in fiscal year 2023 was $21.61. AngusVerifiedSM calves are driving the market of not only Angus-sired calves, but ultimately driving demand for registered Angus bulls. 

The Genetic Merit ScorecardSM (GMS) is also a great indicator for buyers of Angus calves. It’s a true indicator of their potential as they go into a feedlot setting. Recently, a Maternal Score has been added for buyers looking to purchase replacement females.

We all know the struggle of Angus look-alikes, but this is the easiest way to show a difference and illustrate the value of a registered Angus bull. 

To learn more about AngusLink, visit If you have more questions, I encourage you to call or email Troy Marshall, director of commercial programs. This is an exciting program that has seen explosive growth as buyers are looking for the AngusVerified logo and the GMS as they know what Angus-sired calves can do for their program.

Once you transfer certificate to a commercial bull buyer, they get access through AAA Login and can maintain their bull inventory and stay current with the expected progeny differences (EPDs) of the bulls in their bull battery. This will allow them to make breeding decisions to further elevate their program.

They will also receive the Angus Beef Bulletin®. If you are unfamiliar, I would encourage you to subscribe. The award-winning publication comes out five times a year and is the communication piece used by the American Angus Association for educational opportunities provided by the Association to make sure we are staying engaged with commercial cattlemen and women. This is also a great place for marketing your Angus genetics through advertising opportunities.

I am not only encouraging members to transfer registration certificates, but I am encouraging the great benefits that can be unlocked by the American Angus Association for our commercial buyers of registered Angus bulls to make sure we remain the breed of choice for the commercial industry.

Editor’s note: For more information, please contact the Association Member Services Department at 816-383-5100 or email

Levi Landers headshot

Levi Landers, Director of Field and Member Services

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