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Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.
Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.
An Angus University session on marketing cattle brings together commercial cattlemen, seedstock producers and industry representatives.
Don Close, with Terrain explains the mission of their company, what influences interest rates and where those rates are potentially trending in the near future.
Meat market provides training opportunity for students, including winners of the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest.
Marketing is about finding the right method to tell your story to the right audience.
Analyst takes deep dive into reasons for escalating costs for cattle transport.
The sights and sounds at a feedyard are predictable, but you don’t expect to find such pristine facilities and people who care about every aspect of the cattle-feeding business. It’s all there at Magnum Feedyard, just outside Wiggins, Colo.
How to develop and execute a ranch risk management plan.
Syngenta, McDonald’s and Lopez Foods collaborate to help reduce certain environmental effects during beef production.
K-State economist shares Cattle-on-Feed report and thoughts on herd expansion.
Cow-calf share leases or cash leases should be reviewed for the upcoming year.
Noble Research Institute and Certified Angus Beef partner to develop and deliver Land Stewardship, an educational course designed for livestock producers worldwide.
Farmers cite their biggest concerns as high input costs, lower crop and livestock prices, but are less worried about rising interest rates.
Succession plans ensure continuation of the farm business. Without succession plans, the next generation is left in limbo, unsure of how to split the farm, and may be forced to sell because an agreement can’t be reached.
Troy Marshall describes two kinds of failure — one that’s avoidable and costly and one that sets you up for future success.
Videos add unique, personal perspectives to AgriLife Extension program.
Use this example of accrual accounting to understand profit and loss.
Georgia livestock economist gives update on pasture and rangeland conditions.
By focusing on your most important inputs, improving efficiency has the most opportunity to enhance the profitability of your cattle business.
Grazing cornstalks has numerous benefits for the ground and cattle, but make sure you get a contract in writing.
Troy Marshall shares a lesson that extends beyond cattle marketing in this edition of “The Link.”
Survey finds consumers are unfamiliar with regenerative agriculture, increasing importance of food affordability.
On this episode of “Angus At Work” Chad Barker of National Beef joins host Miranda Reiman to discuss what cattle buyers are looking for, branded beef programs, increasingly heavy cattle going to market and more.
For farmers and ranchers in the path of Hurricane Helene, getting back to normal is no small task.
Higher prices are not slowing trends.
The future is bright.
Flexibility means options, and today Karla Wilke, associate professor of range management and cow-calf specialist for the University of Nebraska, offers options for income generation and enterprises. She also shares research about smart supplementation, and how timing affects growth while saving you money.
AngusLink creates “reputation” cattle for most buyers, it provides the verified documentation that reduces risk and gives buyers the confidence to pay premiums, and the information they need to manage and market them more effectively.
National security concerns prompted the U.S. Senate to propose a bill prohibiting the purchase of land in the United States by companies or individuals from China, North Korea, Iran or Russia.
Recruit professionals for your farm/ranch transition advisory team.
USDA takes action to prevent spread of New World Screwworm to U.S. animals.
Farmers and ranchers have until March 3, 2025, to file their 2024 income tax returns without penalty if they have not made estimates.
Anticipating supplies will be tighter in 2025, along with no significant signs of heifer retention or rebuilding, it makes sense prices will continue to be high in 2025 and possibly into 2026.
Regional managers Reese Tuckwiller and Radale Tiner share input on events happening in their regions, the importance of carving out time to attend and how building relationships with fellow producers can have a lasting effect on your farm or ranch.
Tom Field discusses how ranching is an ongoing process of sorting priorities — acknowledging that some choices necessitate a shorter time horizon, while others offer the benefit of long-term planning and implementation.
High-profit operations do these things differently from low-profit operations.
The world has changed, cattle have changed, and those managing them must keep up. The 19th annual Certified Angus Beef Feeding Quality Forum in Dodge City, Kan., gave 260 attendees tools and information to do just that.
What to expect from corn prices through the first half of 2024.
No matter your age or employment status, there is a retirement investment option for you.
Meat Cutting School offers fun and impactful hands-on workshops, adding valuable skills to the labor force in Kentucky’s meat-processing industry.
Don’t make your veterinarian play catch-up. Develop a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) to help your veterinarian help you design a herd health program focused on prevention rather than treatment.
Notes from the American Angus Association’s David Gazda on life post-Hurricane Helene.
Cattle industry and political system have similarities. The marketplace will reward you for successfully delivering on your promises.
Implementing a good accounting system and developing beginning and end-of-year balance sheets is an important start.
Adapting to current challenges facing the farm community will require strategic planning and proactive steps.
Producer panel provides insight into how the industry can effectively put EPDs to use.
Agricultural producers should do tax planning before the end of the year.
Derrell Peel, Extension livestock marketing specialist at Oklahoma State University, says the increase in cattle prices this year actually started last year, as cattle numbers dropped. The midyear 2023 cattle inventory report showed the national cow herd is still getting smaller, he says..