Welcome to the Angus Journal
You are living the legacy. We are here to help you keep your traditions alive. Since 1919 the Angus Journal has been sharing stories of Angus breeders like you who keep the Business Breed in business.
The Angus Journal delivers the latest in Angus news, industry trends and breeder advertising through print, web, podcasts and e-news.
This isn’t just a magazine, and raising Angus cattle isn’t just a job. It’s your family, your friends, your business — your Journal.


Angus Journal
Be the breeder others ask for advice. Read the Angus Journal, the flagship publication of the American Angus Association. There’s been one overarching goal since 1919 — to keep Angus breeders informed. Yet, we’ve adapted over the years. That’s why we’re the trusted source for Angus breeders still today. The Angus Journal is published monthly, print and digital.
AJ Daily
For the latest news as it happens, breeders rely on the AJ Daily to stay informed. A mix of broad industry news and Angus-specific topics, delivered straight to your inbox.
SubscribeAJ Weekly
A once-per-week roundup of the week’s top headlines, covering everything from management and marketing to beef industry happenings.
SubscribeThe Angus Conversation
If Angus breeders are talking about it, we are too. Podcast segments feature cattlemen and women, researchers and marketers, covering everything from breeding philosophies and future direction to new technology and time-honored traditions.

Angus Beef Bulletin
As the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection, we help producers make the most of their Angus genetics with news on marketing, health, breeding decisions and management topics. Proven Angus bull buyers make up the bulk of the 62,000 readers who get the publication five times per year.