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413 results for "Angus Beef Bulletin" in site search
Publication Content Type Topic
Auction Central


A directory to auction market services, by state.

Common Ground


In this month’s “Common Ground,” author Mark McCully shares the difference between selling calves and marketing them.

Coming Together


Feedyard managers Dale Moore, Grant Morgan and Warren White share how they are collaborating and cooperating to feed better cattle.

Feedlot Finder


A directory of feedlots expressing interest in feeding Angus cattle.

Putting the Pieces Together


Commercial cattlemen, industry advisor reflect on tools that help them market cattle, progress their herds.

Products & Services


A directory to suppliers providing products, services.

Charting the Course for the Cattle Cycle


The U.S. cattle industry has followed a cyclical pattern for well over a century, even throughout the many shocks and changes that have occurred over the decades. As the saying goes, history rarely repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. That is especially true when it comes to cattle cycles, which gives us a guide for market expectations in the years ahead. CattleFax Market Analyst Patrick Linnell shares how.

Seedstock Suppliers


A directory to producers supplying registered Angus.

It Should Be an Exciting, Wild Ride


In “Market Closeout,” Troy Marshall provides commentary to help producers understand the current market situation and how they can best position themselves for profitability. In this installment, Marshall comments on how to mitigate your risk for a roller-coaster ride in the feeder-calf market.

Betting On the Future


Cattlemen across the country share how they plan for drought recovery.

Academic Support


Kellum Carnahan, Cash Fuesz, Emma Houck, Anna Houck and Coy Stamm recently received the 2024 Angus Foundation Commercial Cattlemen’s Scholarship, which is dedicated to support students using Angus genetics in a commercial operation.

Lessons From Cycle Survivors


Advice for how to navigate the cattle cycle from those who have lived it.

Kids These Days


Georgia stockmanship contest teaches BQA and more; gives young aspiring cattlemen a start on good management.

Health & Husbandry


Pregnancy-testing the herd is an important management tool that can provide a good metric for herd health and production, evaluate individual cow health status, and influence marketing options for open cows. Preg-testing early provides additional benefits.

Feeding Better Cattle Better


A dedication to feeding the best cattle to produce the best beef to satisfy all segments of the industry, especially the consumer, earned Carpenter Cattle Co. the 2024 Certified Angus Beef Feedyard Commitment to Excellence Award.

Health & Husbandry


Author Brad White shares points to consider when reviewing health plans in this month’s “Health & Husbandry” column.

Angus Stakes


Editor Shauna Hermel offers a quick update on the new website, featuring two landing pages commercial cattlemen will definitely want to visit.

Outside the Box


Columnist Tom Field discusses the power of the words “no” and “go” in this edition of “Outside the Box,” a regular column in both the Angus Journal and the Angus Beef Bulletin.

Create Your Herd’s Meal Plan


What will your cattle eat during the next 12 months? It’s time to make your plan.

Shopping for a Bull?


Here’s how to make the most of your bull-buying strategy.

Sorting Gate


AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley explains how to utilize the diversity of the breed using tools available through the American Angus Association.

Balancing Input & Output


Cattle still sell by the pound. Quality enhances value. Yet, the cost of production must be considered. Finding a balance is key to managing cattle that work for your operation.

The Stage is Set


In this “Market Closeout,” Troy Marshall reviews prices received at some of the early July video sales that tend to be a bellwether for what’s to come this fall.

Angus Stakes


We’re always busy, but this Nov. 5 it’s imperative you make your voice heard — and that we make agriculture’s voice heard — by getting out to vote.

Health & Husbandry


Author Brad White explains the concept of front-loading your calving season and why it matters in this edition of “Health & Husbandry.”

A Deeper Dive


Featuring “Angus At Work” episodes worth a revisit. Topics include using performance decisions to make better decisions, using ionophores to increase herd efficiency and starting discussions on succession planning.

Data Makes Dollars & Sense


Individual cow records help commercial cattlemen

The Digestive Tract


Preparing to winter the cow herd? Author Dan Shike advises putting nutrition at the top of the list in this month’s column.

Join Us in Fort Worth


The American Angus Association invites commercial cattlemen to attend the Angus Convention in Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 1-4.

Doing Homework Earns Premiums


Brian Walt sets the bar high. W6 Cattle regularly qualify 85%-90% CAB and Prime. The family’s unwavering quest to improve carcass quality while maintaining a strong maternal base earned them the 2024 CAB Commercial Commitment to Excellence award.

The Digestive Tract


Beef cows experience their greatest nutritional requirement from calving to breeding. That’s also the time when the consequences of not meeting requirements (open cows) will likely be the most detrimental.

Working Cattle?


Cattle producers large and small suffer shortages of time and labor. They need cattle-handling systems allowing them to work faster and more efficiently.

Common Ground


In this month’s “Common Ground,” American Angus Association CEO Mark McCully shares many of the education platforms the Association employs to communicate with commercial cattlemen.

Sorting Gate


AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley explains how $M provides a more holistic approach to maternal selection, considering a wider array of traits and focusing on long-term maternal efficiency.

Common Ground


CEO Mark McCully discusses what winning looks like for different sectors of the beef industry.

Research Roundup


William Boyd earns CAB’s 2024 Bobby VanStavern Award for Beef Quality Research for his instrumental assessment of marbling and objective color post-ribbing. Andres Mendizabal and Ryan Heitschmidt are finalists.

The Link


Author Troy Marshall explores how to put the right cattle with the right information in front of the right people at the right time.

Build Your Transition Team


Recruit professionals for your farm/ranch transition advisory team.

News & Notes


AFBF urges Congress to pass Farm Bill, NCBA requests extension for comment period on market rule, House passes interior appropriations bill, NJAA supports Ronald McDonald House, Leister attends YCC, BIF honors award winners, the Association launches BEEF Academy and more.

Outside the Box


Tom Field discusses how ranching is an ongoing process of sorting priorities — acknowledging that some choices necessitate a shorter time horizon, while others offer the benefit of long-term planning and implementation.

Angus Stakes


Don’t make your veterinarian play catch-up. Develop a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) to help your veterinarian help you design a herd health program focused on prevention rather than treatment.

News & Notes


This month’s news includes Certified Angus Beef award winners, access to Farm Bureau’s survey of presidential nominees’ ag priorities, Public Lands Council leadership, and industry merger and an industry lawsuit.

Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide


The Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide is a resource to help cattlemen using registered-Angus genetics profit in the quality-beef supply chain. Articles provide insight for raising quality calves, leveraging Angus programs and services and navigating today’s feeder-calf market. Directories help connect to seedstock providers, feedlots, auction markets, and the products and services needed to produce quality calves.



Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin online. Meet the team, including the editors and our advertising professionals.

Step Down Your New Bull’s Diet


Bulls are often pushed nutritionally from weaning to sale. Here are tips to transition them to breeding season.



Access a library of Angus Beef Bulletin stories by topic — genetics, health, management, marketing, news and nutrition.

Our Media


Learn about the Angus Beef Bulletin’s many forms, including the magazine itself, the Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide, the Angus At Work podcast and the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter. Access current issues and ways to subscribe.

Industry Insights


Angus Media, CattleFax collaborate to conduct two industrywide surveys to provide unbiased look at feedlot and cow-calf segments, assess sentiment toward Angus genetics.



Angus Beef Bulletin Genetics topic page providing selection, genomics, the latest tools and more.

By Design


Get ready for calving. Providing a safe, comfortable and clean environment for cattle and crew will result in healthier calves and cows that rebreed more easily.