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13 results for "Industry Insights" in site search
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Common Ground


In this month’s “Common Ground,” author Mark McCully shares the difference between selling calves and marketing them.

Shopping for a Bull?


Here’s how to make the most of your bull-buying strategy.

Sorting Gate


AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley explains how to utilize the diversity of the breed using tools available through the American Angus Association.

Data Makes Dollars & Sense


Individual cow records help commercial cattlemen

Industry Insights


Angus Media, CattleFax collaborate to conduct two industrywide surveys to provide unbiased look at feedlot and cow-calf segments, assess sentiment toward Angus genetics.

The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

Feedyard Insights Bring Focus to Profitability


The recently published “Industry Insights” report conducted by CattleFax analysts in partnership with Angus Media revealed several interesting trends and attitudes from the feedyard and cow-calf sectors.

Sorting Gate


Author Kelli Retallick-Riley shares insight to the genetic tools available to help navigate the future beef industry in this issue’s “Sorting Gate.”

Who Will Take Over?


Mentorship is key to bringing the next generation back to the farm to rebuild the herd.

The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

What Feeders Want


Information to make informed decisions sets the stage for profit at the feedyard.

Cattle Feeders Have Spoken: Health is No. 1


Industry Insights survey says health is the first key to profit potential in the feedyard.

Waste Not, Want Not


The most wasteful part of a commercial cow herd is an open cow, says Troy Rowan, University of Tennessee Extension beef specialist. We have tools to make sure we select the heifers that will stay productive longer.