Angus Advisor Southern Region
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
January 22, 2025
In the past, we have often said it is an acceptable practice to use a needle up to 10 injections if it doesn’t dull or become contaminated. With the continual spread of anaplasmosis in the region, the best practice is to use a new needle for every injection.
It’s more than just delivering a pharmaceutical product in a humane way while reducing lesions and abscesses. Possibly now more than ever, it is a matter of herd health. To maintain herd health and profitability as bovine anaplasmosis continues to spread, we will need to change how we approach needles, castration, dehorning, implanting and parasite control.
Anaplasmosis is a blood-borne disease carried from one animal to another through a vector such as blood-feeding flies and ticks or with contaminated tools. At this point, scientists believe ticks are the major contributor.
However, there are multiple strains of the bacterial organism known as Anaplasma marginale that live in the red blood cells of infected cattle (rickettsial). Some strains are carried by ticks, while others are commonly carried by blood-feeding flies.
If you don’t already have a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR), now is the time to get one. Cattle prices are good, so losing one cow to anaplasmosis hurts even more. Looking at the full picture across a carrier herd, it could be even more detrimental.
UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine published a paper in 2022 that evaluated the disease’s prevalence in beef herds across Georgia. They reported the economic losses of anaplasmosis include decreased production and fertility, mortality, abortion and clinical treatment expense.
In the United States, the cost of a clinical case of anaplasmosis is conservatively estimated at more than $400 per animal according to their findings. That cost has likely increased since then.
Working with a veterinarian to be proactive in prevention will be a great step forward in reducing mortalities and economic losses.
The study went on to conclude that Anaplasma seroprevalence was positively associated with the number of injections given in the previous 12 months and bringing new cattle on the operation within the past three years. Thus, bringing in new animals is a risk, but if we use good needle management, it can help minimize the spread within a herd. Calves and yearlings may not show clinical signs, but as they age the severity of the of symptoms increases. Cattle will start to show symptoms around one to two weeks after infection. A stressful event such as a storm may cause increased symptoms, including death. Also, research has reported 16% of infected, pregnant cows pass the disease on to their offspring and are persistently infected.
Your veterinarian can also give good tips on what to watch for, such as pale or yellow mucosal lining, unusually aggressive behavior, staggering, poor body condition and labored breathing, among others. Good practices regarding anaplasmosis can help prevent big losses. The referenced study is entitled: Seroprevalence and molecular detection of Anaplasma marginale infected beef herds in Georgia, USA, by Lee Jones.

by Jason Duggin
University of Georgia
Topics: Animal Handling , Business , EPDs , Equipment / Facilities , Feedstuffs , Foot score , Genetics , Health , Management , Nutrition , Pasture and Forage , Record Keeping , Reproduction , Sire Evaluation
Publication: Angus Journal