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Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Nutrition topic page providing access to stories on forage, feedstuffs, supplementation, requirements and more.
Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.
Preparing to winter the cow herd? Author Dan Shike advises putting nutrition at the top of the list in this month’s column.
K-State extension beef specialist shares tips to feed cattle more sustainably.
Unusual weather patterns prompt concern forages may not meet nutrient requirements.
The benefits of cottonseed for cow-calf operations.
Usually, soyhulls are priced competitively to corn. To determine which is a better buy to feed cattle, compare them on a nutritional basis, especially looking at energy and protein.
How to read a forage analysis. Definitions explained.
Who is vulnerable, and how to remedy the situation when cows lose weight due to Winter Syndrome during winter.
When traditional feeds are in short supply or expensive, stockmen must find cost-effective ways to balance a ration.
Winter cereals can be grazed or hayed to provide excellent roughage source for livestock.
Warm-season annuals can provide needed forage during hot summer months or when renovating stands.
Cow-calf share leases or cash leases should be reviewed for the upcoming year.
Beef specialist offers multiple tips to reduce rumen distress.
Properly curing hay to the correct moisture level for baling is crucial to maintaining forage quality.
What to expect from corn prices through the first half of 2024.
Use winter-feeding methods like bale-grazing and unrolling to spread nutrients where they are needed most.
K-State cattle nutritionist explains how cornstalk bales can be a feed resource.
Now that fall is here, and most spring-born calves are being weaned, 4-Hers and FFA students are looking over the calf crops and picking out market steer prospects for the 2024 county fair. Here are some tips for feeding them.
Sourcing feed products is made simple with cutting-edge platform for farmers, ranchers and suppliers.
In spite of predictions for a warmer and drier spring, ranchers should prepare for potential challenges at spring turnout.
Storage and feeding losses can equate to an extra big bale per cow this winter.
Why mycotoxins are more prevalent today than ever before.
Cottonseed and its byproducts contain a high amount of calcium and help fill in nutrient gaps left by other feed ingredients.
University of Kentucky researcher awarded USDA grant to study fescue toxicosis affecting the cattle industry.
At #CattleCon24 Elanco’s Frank White sat down with Angus At Work host Shauna Hermel to discuss how adding ionophores to the diet can affect heifer maturity and cyclicity, as well as the overall productivity of your cow herd.
In drought, watch fall-calving cows early, says MU veterinarian who studies nitrates.
Harvested forages, like hay, are a significant investment for cattle nutrition programs. The USDA currently estimates hay to cost $209 per ton as of September 2023, up 28.3% from 2011. These prices can vary widely depending on your location and the demand for forage.
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Rainfall Index insurance (PRF) continues to gain popularity. PRF is insurance against low precipitation that may be correlated with reduced feed production. PRF has subsidized premiums that cover either haying or grazing with a scaler to adjust productivity for a specific sub-county region.
How to use urea in rations for growing and mature cattle.
Researchers compared calf gain and health response between three supplement delivery methods.
In today’s episode of Angus At Work, Willard LeMaster and Robbie Bondurant of Furst-McNess share with host Shauna Hermel details about the recently released Legacy Forward Beef line and a product they see having a positive influence on feedlot efficiency.
Proper management of young bulls can help keep them in top form.
By changing the nutrition of the cow during pregnancy, you can change how her calf develops throughout its life. Steps you can take to make your calves the best they can be.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Acknowledging cattle’s body condition scores when formulating winter feed and forage plans can give producers a step up going into the cold season.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Making the most of hay and pasture distribution amid the onset of colder conditions can drastically impact an operation’s winter feeding plan.
Grazing management can play a role in an operation’s success.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Meeting your herd’s nutritional needs with supplemental feeding may give them the nutritive edge going into the winter.
How a small investment can pay big dividends for cattle producers.