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Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.
Angus Beef Bulletin Nutrition topic page providing access to stories on forage, feedstuffs, supplementation, requirements and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.
Tips for haying and grazing areas with hemlock.
Unusual weather patterns prompt concern forages may not meet nutrient requirements.
On today’s episode of Angus At Work, Charles Kneuper visits with host Lynsey McAnally about conserving and stewarding natural resources with help from the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Warm-season annuals can provide needed forage during hot summer months or when renovating stands.
How to use wet feed products in cattle rations.
Sourcing feed products is made simple with cutting-edge platform for farmers, ranchers and suppliers.
Tips to manage cattle on wheat and other forages to prevent frothy bloat.
Cow-calf share leases or cash leases should be reviewed for the upcoming year.
Noble Research Institute and Certified Angus Beef partner to develop and deliver Land Stewardship, an educational course designed for livestock producers worldwide.
Managing a backgrounding operation may offer an easier way to get started in the cattle business.
Extension specialist offers tips for how to calculate how much hay your cows will eat this winter.
If you've ever found yourself saying, “Stop blaming cows,” then this episode is for you! With all the climate discussion in the news and legislation, Kasey wanted to learn more about something touted as a way for farmers and ranchers to be an active part of the solution. She sat down with Ashley Bruner of Agoro Carbon Alliance to ask some questions about the carbon market.
Cattlemen across the country share how they plan for drought recovery.
Several management steps can help mitigate risks of feeding frost-damaged forages to livestock.
Nutrient content should be the No. 1 consideration when purchasing hay.
Strip-grazing can increase carrying capacity, according to study from Nebraska Extension beef systems specialist.
Storage and feeding losses can equate to an extra big bale per cow this winter.
How to boost production of new and older pasture stands.
Research looks at whether we can improve cattle performance and soil fertility with the supplements we choose.
K-State cattle nutritionist explains how cornstalk bales can be a feed resource.
K-State beef cattle experts explain why cows need to be fed hay free of wrapping material.
Is it worth it to bale hay this late in the season? Run the numbers.
Preparing to winter the cow herd? Author Dan Shike advises putting nutrition at the top of the list in this month’s column.
Usually, cattle eat the hay or straw and leave the twines/wrap, which can be gathered later. In some instances, however, cattle have become fatally impacted after ingesting twines or net wrap. Net wrap seems to be the most hazardous of the two.
UW releases new findings on the economic ramifications of invasive weeds in Wyoming.
Collecting soil samples in the fall for nutrient analysis will help you set up a successful fertility program for the years to come.
This edition of “Gizmos & Gadgets” features high-visibility workwear, innovative feed additives that decrease methane emissions from heifers, a newly approved herbicide product, and a versatile tractor line that’s easier on the checkbook.
When traditional feeds are in short supply or expensive, stockmen must find cost-effective ways to balance a ration.
How to create a pasture rental agreement.
Winter cereals can be grazed or hayed to provide excellent roughage source for livestock.
Changing season of use or adding water sources/fencing could increase utilization of forage resources.
Knowing the true nutritional value of your forages is critical.
Testing forages, whether grazed or harvested, is the first step to assessing winter cow herd nutrition.
Benefits of regenerative forage practices featured on “Angus at Work” podcast with Hugh Aljoe of the Noble Research Institute.
Frost-seeding legumes can be a successful way to diversify a fescue pasture, but time is running out to get it done.
University of Kentucky researcher awarded USDA grant to study fescue toxicosis affecting the cattle industry.
This edition features cattle reproductive remote monitoring technology, a compostable net wrap for bales, a diverse and high-tonnage forage seed mix and a well-known brand’s first midi excavator.
Use winter-feeding methods like bale-grazing and unrolling to spread nutrients where they are needed most.
In spite of predictions for a warmer and drier spring, ranchers should prepare for potential challenges at spring turnout.
Management tips for controlling and eventually eradicating the invasive species burdock.
Kansas Ranch honored with prestigious environmental stewardship award at #CattleCon25. 2024 regional ESAP winners also recognized.
Pennsylvania State University study explores differences between broadcast- and drill-seeding cover crops into standing soybeans.
Monitoring grazing use in the fall has the potential to significantly affect 2024 forage production. North Dakota State University Extension has found that heavy grazing use in the fall can reduce forage production the following growing season by more than 50%.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Following the steps of his grandfather, Kyle Caires is partial to what many would consider old-school genetics — it’s what Mother Nature demands in the unforgiving, ever-changing environment on the island of Maui, Hawaii.