About the Campaign

In celebration of George Grant bringing the first Angus bulls from Scotland to America 150 years ago, the Angus Foundation established a unique giving program called A Legacy Sustaining. To leave a legacy means to pass something on. This giving program encourages American Angus Association members to donate $150 each year in a collective effort to build long-term, sustaining support for the breed over the next 150 years.

Contributions to A Legacy Sustaining support the Angus Fund, a reserve that holds unrestricted donations to help the Foundation fulfill its mission. These donations play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding the Foundation's initiatives, including education, research and leadership programming through events like LEAD Conference and Beef Leaders Institute. 

Did someone introduce you, encourage and mentor you, or influence your success within the Angus breed? Are you seeking a way to honor a family member, friend, breeder, neighbor or teacher who helped make your Angus dream a reality? Extend their impact by paying it forward for the next generation of Angus breeders through an annual gift to A Legacy Sustaining.

Legacy Sustaining Fund logo

It's easy to become a Legacy Sustainer!

Your debit or credit card will automatically make the recurring contribution you choose: $12.50 every month or $150 every year.

George Grant Challenge - Lamar Steiger

Thank you to our George Grant Challengers for helping to continue the Angus Legacy!


George Grant Challengers

Current Impact: 704 Total Donors, 227 New Donors, $1279010 Total Donations in FY23

View your impact

Your unwavering commitment to the breed ensures the Angus Foundation can carry out its mission.

A woman texting on her phone.

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