Capture the value of your investment by validating breed makeup with AngusVerified. This USDA Process-Verified Program (PVP) documents and verifies, at minimum, the enrolled calves are 50% Angus. In other words, enrolled calves must have been sired by a registered and properly transferred Angus bull, used naturally or by artificial insemination.
Verification pays. Producers are being paid premiums in the marketplace for their AngusVerified enrolled cattle. Over time, the ROI has been extremely good for these programs, as well as other value-added claims offered through IMI Global.
AngusVerified FAQs
Contact AngusLink’s partner, IMI Global by clicking here. Call them at (303) 895-3002 or info@imiglobal.com to enroll cattle in AngusVerified.
Once you’ve enrolled a group of calves in Age and Source verification, you can provide sire registration number(s) or documentation of the number of AI straws used, a lease agreement or a purchased bred receipt to complete an AngusVerified enrollment.
Cattle holding an AngusVerified certification signal more than reputation; they’re documented as being sired by a registered Angus bull. AngusVerified provides reassurance the cattle you purchase are from quality Angus genetics.