You’re working hard, your data should be too
May 1, 2024
There’s an old joke that says never work for a rancher who has electricity in the barn, the day’s work will never be done.
Well, most of us have already slipped up there and on any given night find ourselves working late to get the job done.
That hard work certainly pays off, but in an industry where genetic change is a two-year investment – we want to maximize that return – every time. That’s where our data can and should be doing some of the heavy lifting.
Whole herd reporting through AHIR’s Inventory Reporting program is one way to leverage the data and ensure your herd is on track to meet your goals.
How is this different from what I do now?
Rather than reporting data on an individual calf basis or only on calves you intend to register, Inventory Reporting ensures every female in your herd has an annual record - tracking the productivity of females and entire calf crops year over year.
Additionally, instead of paying the $3 AHIR fee to report a female’s calf each year, you will pay a $2 per female enrollment fee, which will then allow her calf’s record to be submitted free of charge.
What does it require from me?
To complete the program, you will need to report one of the following for each female in your registered herd each year:
• A calf (birth date, sex, dam)
• Reason code for why she didn’t have a calf
• Disposal code and date
What do I get out of the program?
There are many benefits to tracking your entire herd that can all add up to being able to make more profitable management decisions.
Herds enrolled in Inventory Reporting get the big-picture perspective by reporting their complete calf crop. Producers also gain access to the Functional Longevity research EPD. Both can help you better communicate the value of your cattle to your customers.
By reporting on calves for all females rather than a select few, your calves will benefit from the contemporary group’s data and receive the credit they deserve.
Earn MaternalPlus® Distinction
After completing your first year in the program, you can earn MaternalPlus® distinction. Your enrolled females will display the logo on pedigree look up and you will have access to the logo to include in your marketing.
You will also have access to Herd Management Reports, receive additional data on unregistered calves, and see increased accuracy on the Heifer Pregnancy EPD.
Along with the data you collect for the first level of the program, MaternalPlus® Herds also submit heifer breeding data and weaning weights or calf disposal codes.