Q&A about Inventory Reporting

December 5, 2023


Members participating in Inventory Reporting provide complete female production records on their cow herd, which better characterizes maternal traits. This in turn helps AHIR® provide breeders with selection tools. Although everyone has a unique situation, Inventory Reporting is designed to work for anyone.

At the 2023 Angus Convention in Orlando, Florida, Angus breeders committed to improving maternal selection tools joined performance programs experts during a “AAA Q&A” session to learn more about Inventory Reporting.

Read a few questions and responses below from the convention session.

Question: If I am trying to start Inventory Reporting, when can I earn the MaternalPlus® designation?

Answer: Obtaining the MaternalPlus® designation is possible after the first year in the program, which requires reenrollment in the year following the first enrollment. There are two levels to Inventory Reporting with the first being the cow inventory of the current herd. When a member enrolls a herd with a cow inventory, they have achieved the first level. The second level is available the following year at reenrollment. If the cow inventory and MaternalPlus® requirements are fulfilled, the MaternalPlus® designation can then be earned. 

Question: What are the options and recommendations regarding enrollment dates? What if I have both spring and fall calving herds?

Answer: There are two enrollment periods to select from for Inventory Reporting: November 1 – January 15 and May 1 – July 15. The most effective and recommended time to enroll your herd is after your current calf crop is weaned and before your next calf crop has started calving. Therefore, if your herd primarily calves in the spring, you should enroll your herd in the November to January enrollment window. If your herd primarily calves in the fall, you should enroll your herd in the May to July enrollment window. If you have both spring and fall calving herds, you will have to decide which enrollment period best fits the majority of the herd.

Question: If you have a joint ownership of an animal and your partner enters data on the animal, will it automatically fulfill her requirements for the program?

Answer: If you have joint ownership of females in your herd and you don’t have possession of the animal, but your partner is reporting, it will automatically update on your inventory list. However, if you are enrolled in Inventory Reporting and your partner hasn’t reported the data by enrollment time, there is a reason code in which you can say that the cow is multi-owned, no possession and the requirement will be fulfilled for you.

To learn more about Inventory Reporting and how to enroll, view the winter enrollment period announcement. If you have further questions, contact Association staff Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST. You can call at 816-383-5100 or email