Inventory Reporting Enrollment is Now Open!

May 1, 2023


Are you looking to be among those providing the best information for cow production records? Look no further than AHIR Inventory Reporting! 


The May – July 15 enrollment is for primarily fall calving herds. If you are primarily a spring calving herd, enroll in the November – January 15 enrollment. Females in your herd must be reenrolled each year to remain in the program.

Interested in Inventory Reporting? 

Keeping complete production records on the females in your herd has numerous benefits 

  • - EARLY ACCESS: Gain access to the research Functional Longevity EPD when released 

  • - MONEY SAVED: Take advantage of the $2 AHIR rate for each female enrolled, which covers the cost of submitting a weight for her next calf (traditionally $3 fee) 

  • - IDENTIFY POTENTIAL: Document fertility and functional longevity in your herd 

  • - OBJECTIVITY: Complete unbiased data reporting by keeping annual records for each cow in your herd 

  • - REPORTS + MORE: Receive additional herd management reports 


Data submitted throughout the year contributes to female meeting requirements. Each enrolled cow requires ONE of three things: 

  • - Reporting a calf 

  • - A reason for why there was no calf  

  • - A culling code and date if the female left the herd

What about the coveted MaternalPlus status? 

Enrolling in Inventory Reporting is the first step to earning the MaternalPlus status. At reenrollment, your herd will be eligible to earn MaternalPlus, which provides access to supplementary herd management reports, additional EPDs on calves prior to registration (CED, BW and WW), and the designation badge on EPD Pedigree Lookup.  

  • - Requires same information as Cow Inventory