Maternal Gems Female Sale

Herd City:   Union Springs, AL US
Sale Date:   05/13/2023
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Auctioneer:   Mark Sims
Sale Mgr:   Sims Plus LLC
Angus Media Rep:   David Gazda
Lots Gross Average
26 Bred Heifers $84,950.00 $3,267.00
45 Fall Pairs $242,800.00 $5,395.00
71 Total Registered Females $327,750.00 $4,616.00
71 Reported Sale Total $327,750.00 $4,616.00

Top Bred Heifer
Lot  65 G F Missie 116 $5,000.00
Buyer:   The Manger Farm - Montgomery, AL
Sire Name:  E W A High Weigh 3123
Seller:  Graydon Farm Montgomery AL
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Top Fall Pair
Lot  30/30A Coleman Donna 7422 $10,750.00
Buyer:   Gizmo Angus Farm - Molino, FL
Sire Name:  Soo Line Motive 9016
Seller:  Graydon Farm Montgomery AL
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Lot  7/7A AAF Emily 7113 $8,800.00
Buyer:   John Hill - Marianna, FL
Sire Name:  AAF Bruiser 5061
Seller:  Adams Angus Farm Union Springs AL
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Lot  37/37A AAF Jilt 7096 $8,000.00
Buyer:   Bradfield Evans - Hope Hull, AL
Sire Name:  AAF Bruiser 5061
Seller:  Adams Angus Farm Union Springs AL
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Comments: Many thanks to Adams Angus Farm, Union Springs, AL for their gracious donation of Lot 12A to support the Angus Foundations, Fund the Future campaign. A special thanks to Keith Cullefer, Columbus, GA for his purchase of this lot for $2,100.