Calving and Weaning Report

The Calving and Weaning Report is utilized by many breeders as their first introduction to Angus Herd Improvement Records (AHIR). The report is a listing of all registered and commercial females in your herd that are 12 months old or older at time of printing. If you have data to report for commercial dams that are not listed on the report, a herd ID and birthdate is required.

To complete the calving information, you will fill in the sire's registration number (breeders can also enter a sire's tag number or within-herd I.D. number), calf tag number and tattoo, sex, actual birthdate (mm/dd/yy), birth weight and calving ease score. Birth weights must be measured by a scale and reported in pounds. Estimated birth weights from other methods are not accepted (e.g., hoof circumference or heart girth body weight tapes). As your calves are born, it is important to consistently weigh within 24 hours. The birth code column is for reporting any irregular calving situation, including death loss or the sale of calves pre-weaning.

Weigh Calves Between 120-280 Days

The date calves are weighed at weaning and the actual weight is placed in the first column under calf weight data. The acceptable range for weaning weights is between 120 and 280 days of age.

Enter Management Codes

The column for management code designates whether or not the calves were creep-fed or supplied supplemental feeding. Non-creep fed calves are reported as code 1 and creep-fed calves are reported as code 3. The management code must be completed before weights will be processed.

Enter Group Code

Knowledge of calves that are "contemporaries" is critical for accurate data evaluation. A group code is used to designate a set of calves managed differently from another set of calves. Calves from different groups or pasture units are designated by using a letter code such as A, B, C, etc. For example, calves from two-year old dams in one pasture may be reported as Group A and calves from mature cows in another pasture as Group B.

Breeders submitting weaning weights will automatically have their heifers and bulls (or steers) treated as separate sex groups and ratioed as separate sex groups. Use the group code to separate the sex groups of calves, if desired. If not instructed differently, each weaning group is treated as one unit for calculating ratios. A contemporary code is required when submitting calving and weaning weights.

Enter Optional Data

An optional column is included for a weaning hip height and scrotal circumference. When reporting heights, submit actual hip height. Also, location may be specified. User-defined codes may be placed in the custom field.

When to Send in Weights

As soon as a group of calves have been weighed, you should mail the Calving and Weaning Report in the envelope provided. A new Calving and Weaning Report will then be sent to you with the Weaning Summary.

When to Collect Cow Data

Cows should be measured for weight, hip height, and condition score within +/- 45 days of the calf's weaning measure date.  It is important to collect this information after the cow has weaned her first calf, and subsequent years.   A body condition score must be included with the cow weight in order for data to be utilized in the National Cattle Evaluation.

Cow Body Condition Scores
  1. Severely emaciated. All ribs and bone structure easily visible. Very little visible muscle tissue, physically weak.
  2. Emaciated. Similar to score one, but not weakened. Little visible muscle tissue.
  3. Very thin. No fat on ribs or brisket. More apparent muscling than on condition score two. Backbone easily visible.
  4. Thin or with ribs easily visible, but shoulders and hindquarters show fair muscling. Backbone visible.
  5. Moderate to thin. Last two or three ribs can be seen. Little evidence of fat on brisket, over ribs, or around tail head.
  6. Good condition. Smooth appearance throughout. Slight fat deposition on brisket and over tail head. Ribs covered, and backs appear slightly rounded.
  7. Very good condition. Brisket full. Tail head shows pockets of fat. Back appears well rounded due to fat. Ribs very smooth.
  8. Obese. Back square due to fat. Brisket distended. Heavy fat pockets around tail head. Neck thick.
  9. Rarely seen. Very obese. Similar to condition score eight, except more extreme. Heavy deposition of udder fat.
Cow Disposal and Reason Codes

For complete herd inventory analysis, each cow listed on the Calving and Weaning Report must have birth or weaning data, a Disposal Code or a Reason Code listed.

Disposal Codes Any cow leaving the herd throughout the production cycle must be given a disposal date (mm/dd/yy) and a disposal code. To see a full list of disposal codes, click here.

Culled - Age
Culled - Calf Died
Culled - Calving Problem
Culled - Eye Problem
Culled - Feet
Culled - Fell out of calving season
Culled - Fertility or Open
Culled - Condition Status
Culled - Genetic Predictions(EPDs)
Culled - Illness or Disease
Culled - Injury
Culled - Pelvic Measurement or RTS
Culled - Productivity
Culled - Progeny Performance
Culled - Prolapse
Culled - Structure
Culled - Teat and Udder
Culled - Temperament
Culled - Weather Event
Culled - Miscellaneous
Sold as a commercial
Died - Illness or Disease
Died - Other
Died - Prolapse
Died - Weather Event

Reason Codes If a cow remains in your herd, but does not have a calving or weaning record for the current year, please complete the reason code for her to remain as an active dam in your herd.

Open, cow missed calving opportunity
ET program/donor dam
Cow moved to next calving season
ET program/recipient cow
Multi-owned, No possession
Calf Stillborn

      Revised July 2021

American Angus Association | 3201 Frederick Ave, Saint Joseph, MO 64506 | 816-383-5100 | ©Copyright 2024, All rights reserved.