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12 results for "AngusLink, Article, News, Press Release" in site search
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AngusLink Passes 150,000 Head Enrolled for 2023


AngusLink, the administrator for value-added programs of the American Angus Association, surpassed 150,000 head of enrolled cattle for 2023 on Sept. 15. This means from 2022 to 2023, participation in AngusLink has increased by more than 300%, reflecting a turning point for its value-added programs.

AngusLink passes 150,000 head enrolled for 2023


Enrollments triple in 2023, as compared with 2022 figures.

Producers to be paid grid premiums for AngusLink Beef Scores


AngusLink Releases Maternal Score as Marketing Tool for Replacement Heifers


AngusLink’s Genetic Merit Scorecard adds a fourth score option to demonstrate the maternal weaned calf value to aid in the selection of replacement females.

Producers to be paid Grid Premiums for AngusLink beef scores


The American Angus Association; National Beef Packing Co., LLC; IMI Global; and U.S. Premium Beef, LLC, announce new grid premiums to take effect in August and December, based on genetic merit data.

AngusLink releases Maternal Score as marketing tool for replacement females


For the first time, cattlemen can earn grid premiums based on the genetic merit of their cattle, stemming from their investment in superior genetics.

AngusLink releases Maternal Score as marketing tool for replacement heifers



AngusLinkSM passes 150,000 head enrolled for 2023


Producers to be paid grid premiums for AngusLinkSM Beef Scores


Market Closeout


AngusLink creates “reputation” cattle for most buyers, it provides the verified documentation that reduces risk and gives buyers the confidence to pay premiums, and the information they need to manage and market them more effectively.

The Link


In this “The Link” column, Troy Marshall, director of commercial industry relations for the American Angus Association, shares the momentum AngusLink is gaining.

First Grid Premium Offered for Genetic Merit


Producers to be paid premium for AngusLink Beef Scores.